Thursday, January 12, 2012

Girl vs. Boy

My sister and I were talking the other day about girls and boys. She has three boys and I have one of each and she asked if I could see any differences. At first thought not really then as the day went on I changed my mind. Josh has been teething since Thanksgiving pretty much a new tooth each week. And it has been a long few weeks he can't sleep at night, needs to be rocked back to sleep, isn't napping but for a hour or so and of course his appetite is different each day. Grace never really woke up in the middle of the night, give her a couple teether tablets and she would nap, she did have days she didn't want to eat. The point is that there are differences he can be very clingy, Grace she loves to snuggle but when she wants to, she's pretty good about playing on her own, Josh is probably still to young to really play just crawl around getting into every drawer and cupboard. Hopefully the older he gets the more they will like to play with each other poor guy will probably end up dressed in some princess dress, I guess I should look for a prince costume.

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