Saturday, January 7, 2012

Goals for 2012

This year there are several things I hope as a family we can work on...

More family time, to continue on my quest to lose weight, to get Grace to sit at the dinner table, Josh to sleep thru the night everyday of the week, spend more time outside before it get's to hot, be better about taking pictures and recording Josh's "firsts", to attend the temple every month, to teach stories and lesson's from the Book of Mormon, sending pictures to family, getting to bed on time, get up at 6 am for mommy time, better at budgeting, be more crafty like Cori (lol), run 5K, be able to run without screaming for air, to actually eat leftovers, watch less tv, eat more fruits and veggies (sorry no collard greens), travel to Colorado and Utah to visit family, date night every other month (next years goal will be every month), figure out why Brian snores and fix it, be more patient with Grace, FHE every Monday and most importantly to use the restroom without a audienance..

Here's to a great year!!


  1. Wow Kristan you are going to be a busy girl, I'm working on food storage, losing 10-15 lbs and getting on a budget. You make me feel like I should pick some more. Oh and read the whole scriptures this year.

  2. Good job girl...I started writing my list. Now I just need it on my blog so I am conscious of what I want to work on!! Good luck!

  3. Your list is about as long as mine! Good luck girlie!
